New post, The Future of the Blogosphere, based on a tricky WordPress problem that @dorian helped me figure out and fix.
Enjoyed this read felt fun. This line has me thinking; “Values and manifestos come last, not first. If you try to start with values, you’ll be done before you can start at all.”
Love it (as usual). Where does Farcaster/Warpcast currently sit, in your view, on the Platformism <> Commonism continuum?
Venkatesh I have been a WP user from their “alpha” days. Actually user #1 outside of their core group. I definitely agree with you on the problems outlined by you. However, future of blogosphere is not how I would frame it :) next time in SF I know a good Indian spot for this conversation.
thought-provoking as usual. Later blogging/CMS fads stripped away much of WP's unnecessary complexity + cost: SSG, XHTML, serverless functions, to name a few buzzwords. I think the future is paying a consultant $100 to migrate your WP site to e.g., Ghost; repeat in 10 years. Like phone upgrades, or car trade-ins