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Hi Farcasters. I wrote, and signed, a post about needing to sign everything as AI tools proliferate. (cc @talia @nonlinear @ccarella )

In reply to @fredwilson
Agost Biro@agostbiro

Sign everything = keys for everything

In reply to @fredwilson

i remember thinking the same thing (for some reason) the first time i saw google's AI demo ordering a pizza. just looked up the video and interesting to see how Google displays information about provenance: no source attribution/verification & timestamp "4 years ago" smh

In reply to @fredwilson
Chris Carella@ccarella

Really great post and something that has been in my mind for a while. Related: The voice synthesis model that @packy used for his last podcast episode of Not Boring is mind blowingly good (and unlocks all kinds of new text to speech capabilities).

In reply to @fredwilson

Signing is great for proof that you posted; how would you handle the question of proof of creation? Eg that you actually wrote the words. Or maybe that matters less than ack-ing the attribution of something to you?

In reply to @fredwilson

Step 1 sign. Step 2 anchor hashes into sources of truth. Step 3 data proofs 🚀💜 macOS only atm

In reply to @fredwilson

Totally buy this. Connecting the dots between generative AI (the rage de minuit) and Web3 (so 15 minutes ago for VC…) Point is valid… Generative AI will increase the value of trust in the world, which will increasingly be provided by Web3 technologies.

In reply to @fredwilson
tim reilly@tldr

Such a smart and timely point. I think level 2 of this problem will be "Is the digital signature actually attached with a persistent physical actor." I wonder if it is what WorldCoin is going after.

In reply to @fredwilson

agreed here. This is exactly what i tweeted earlier: it will not be possible to know the difference between a post by a human or by an AI. however transaction signing can *also* be pre authorized and signed by bots. The only way to guarantee this is a human doing that is with biometrics signing

In reply to @fredwilson
William Allen@williamallen

I setup an entity with the Linux foundation to help address this a few years ago - - it’s got decent traction within big companies and bi-partisan support in the US gov’t, but needs stronger crypto adoption.

In reply to @fredwilson
Jonny Mack@nonlinear

that last paragraph (especially the last sentence) is 🤌 "the human place to do things" 💜

In reply to @fredwilson
Arjun Ram@arjunram

Been thinking about this post of yours. 1. Do you believe it’s time to bake in identity into the browser along with payments? 2. Otherwise than identify where else can you see Web3 & AI as two sides of the same coin. Aka can you please elaborate. Thank you!

In reply to @fredwilson
Venkatesh Rao ☀️@vgr

There’s a problem to be solved here but signing everything is basically like swearing to tell the truth in court. A ceremonial norm. Only meaningful if perjury is detectable and criminalized, and even then not a solution so much as an incentives-based accommodation.

In reply to @fredwilson

Curious how this practice will interface with the wider topic of accountability. Seems like the small cousin of saying something under oath. Also saw a different facet of this on Twitter yday

In reply to @fredwilson

Didn’t thought of web3 as the other side of the coin.

In reply to @fredwilson
Victor Ma@vm

thanks for sharing, curious how folks are supposed to know the 2nd part of this, do you have a list somewhere of your owned/controlled wallets? "You can see that “author address” and click on it to see that it is one of the various web3 addresses I own/control."

In reply to @fredwilson
Miko Matsumura@miko

this is a good ideal

In reply to @fredwilson
Yash Karthik@yashkarthik

i agree. differentiating between human and AI content will become important as these models improve. but im unsure how verifying via signatures would work. you could technically paste a gpt-3 prompted essay into mirror and have it signed. this is a pretty cool area though

In reply to @fredwilson

ai begs new questions about what makes us human and agree that a shared understanding of our marks and their meaning is foundational. have you read andy's signature economies piece? i think you'd enjoy it

In reply to @fredwilson
Gaby Goldberg@gaby

I co-wrote a related post arguing that every on-chain action (like a signature) is a message -- and that redefinition will change the way we think about web3's communication layer -- would love to hear your thoughts:

In reply to @fredwilson
Dave Pazdan@paz

with deepfakes becoming more common especially with AI, having signed original versions will be super important. Would love to see us get to a place where we don't have to trust others, we can verify on the blockchain if something is original or altered footage, music, art, writing, etc.

In reply to @fredwilson
Andy Jagoe@andyjagoe

yes, which makes me think: AI -> single player (use cases easy to imagine) web3 -> multiplayer (uses cases hard to imagine) iirc, we saw this also in early web2 days: search -> single player (use cases easy to imagine) social -> multiplayer (uses cases hard to imagine)

In reply to @fredwilson
Vinay Vasanji@vinayvasanji

Cryptographic identity is needed to sign, but most users and developers don't care So challenge #1 is how to integrate crypto identity into mainstream apps by default farcaster://casts/0x...676237d748

In reply to @fredwilson

I think that USV founder has an inaccurate vision for the 5 paragraph essay being dead, which bears on this signing point. There is increasing adoption of this notion of a Flipped Classroom (, which has the learners familiarize themselves with the material outside of...