Mac Budkowski@macbudkowski

How do you deal with too many DMs? I get DMs from people who want to be featured in the podcast or get marketing/communications help. I don't want to be an asshole and ignore them. Bu I also can't respond to all messages because it eats the time I could spend on something else (e.g. developing the podcast) 🤔

In reply to @macbudkowski
Jordan Kutzer@jk

I’d create a form or some sort of intake database that could help you organize and go through them more efficiently.

In reply to @macbudkowski

Some ideas: get a virtual assistant One idea I’ve been thinking about is an AI virtual assistant that is trained across your social posts, so it behaves like u People can speak to that virtual assistant and it can give you an executive summary for u to act on

In reply to @macbudkowski
Alex Poon@cerberus

Publish a guideline on how you select guests so people can self select into pinging you or not. It also makes answering inquiries easier

In reply to @macbudkowski
Joe Petrich@jpetrich

Didn't @balajis start a company to solve exactly this problem? The Bitcoin I earned from it ended up being worth over $1k. Too bad Coinbase shut it down.

In reply to @macbudkowski
Jake Casey@jakeacasey

my trick is to be terminally uninteresting (this reduces dm volume) have you tried that? 🙂

In reply to @macbudkowski

i've never had that problem, no one dm's me lol

In reply to @macbudkowski
Avi 💙@savvyavi

Some people might think this is rude but this is why I add to the bottom of contact form on my site. Wonder what the auto response can be for DMs. Contact page:

In reply to @macbudkowski

This is preciously why we should never text just Hey/Hi. Please send everything in on text. Don't wait for other person to respond, it's time consuming on both side. And Mac, I understand it could be tiresome but all those DM look up to you, it could mean a lot if just acknowledge them.

In reply to @macbudkowski
Connor McCormick@nor

mac's just so damn popular

In reply to @macbudkowski

Me no habla english works well And if they speak spanish, me no hable espanaol, and if they keep pushing, just start making dial up noises

In reply to @macbudkowski
Andrés Moisés Zighelboim@andresdelvecchio

Just hang a sign that says NO SOLICITING