In reply to @syed
Syed Shah šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøšŸŒŠ@syed

Ultimately this ends with the idea of the nation state being irrevocably changed on a fundamental level. That will take time. Slowly than all at once. The hard problems is what Iā€™m interested in. A DAO that can ship better and more consistently than a start up for example. possible. But rethink of fundamentals neede

In reply to @syed
John Suh@suh

A good DAO can ship better than a bad startup, but it's unclear that a good DAO necessarily ships "better" than a good startup. There are also plenty of DAOs that are worthless. The people behind the organization matter much more than the organizational principle

In reply to @syed
Alex Kwon@ace

I disagree hard on DAO model - fast decisions do not originate from "rules" "policies" "stakeholders" as technical/programmable logic in the early days esp. The actual day to day of startups change so often, and nobody "votes" on which feature/marketing should be better.