Connor McCormick@nor

I'm feeling really dumb today. Do you have days like this? How do you deal with it?

In reply to @nor
Kazi @kazi

Cold shower + coffee, solves for this feeling in my humble, unscientific, 0 primary data collected, anecdotal and emotional opinion

In reply to @nor
borodutch 🍌@borodutch

i have these brain fog days that i can't explain i learnt to accept them and take it easy coffee sometimes helps but one should only consume caffeine before noon (otherwise rem cycle is screwed in the night) so if brain fog strikes in the afternoon i just do routine things that don't require mental capacity

In reply to @nor
Noah Bragg@nbragg

Yes for sure! I notice it’s usually when I didn’t get great sleep. Go outside. Or take a break!

In reply to @nor
Jason Goldberg @betashop

Get on a đźš´

In reply to @nor
Rob Morris@recipromancer

Yes, and I think this is a feature, not a bug. We're not built to be always on. Deal with it using self-compassion, mindfulness, space, and healing work like IFS. I personally find this flows from (inconvenient) suppressed needs, e.g. there's a part of you that's not being consulted and/or getting its needs met.