
Doing crypto tax prep for 2022 so I can wash trade in my losses and, holy shit, I never want to make another tx on a blockchain again. Every single one takes so much time to manage

In reply to @brenner
borodutch 💎🤲@borodutch

In reply to @brenner

Convinced someone is going to make a killing by making a way that is both cheap and more effective at viewing and compiling txns than current methods. I shouldn’t have to shell out mad $$$$$ just to make a CSV of public data

In reply to @brenner
Cameron Armstrong@cameron

If you have any thoughts on how to make tax software better I can pass them on to my friends that run ZenLedger

In reply to @brenner
William Allen@williamallen

it's so bad and SUCH a big drawback to the ecosystem that we need to overcome. even moving between stablecoins (ie, usdc to dai) needs to be reported on your capital gains/losses.

In reply to @brenner
Thomas D. Pellegrin@aviationdoctor

I feel very grateful living in a jurisdiction with no capital gains tax. It sounds like an absolute nightmare having to sort out tax liabilities from a spaghetti bowl of transactions. I think it would make me want to engage far less in crypto in general, especially in exploring protocols for the sake of it.

In reply to @brenner
tim 🥝@timdaub

yeah this is why web3 is going to be a failure. Welcome to my world