In reply to @nor
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍@deanpierce

When UBI is controlled by a smart contract with verifiable behavior, doesn't that completely solve the issue that geohot is talking about? When UBI is built directly into the core of the financial system itself, and doesn't depend on humans to dispense resource, isn't that ideal?

In reply to @best
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍@deanpierce

By design, their database is basically public. It's just a merkle tree full of hashes, no interesting PII in there. I think at the moment it's running in a more centralized mode where touching the tree is non-trivial, but they are assuming it will eventually be public knowledge.

In reply to @deanpierce
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍@deanpierce

Some Warpcast specific logo options:

In reply to @vbuterin
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍@deanpierce

ChatGPT demands an Albatross.

In reply to @deanpierce
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍@deanpierce

cc @owocki

In reply to @vpabundance
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍@deanpierce

Their telegram uses this graphic.

In reply to @dwr
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍@deanpierce

90% seems right for me. I've got some other cold wallets in various forms that I transact with from time to time, but most day to day stuff happens on my main wallet.

In reply to @dwr
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍@deanpierce

Two ideas here: 1. Paid accounts get downvotes. Low karma accounts get deprioritized, hidden, banned, etc. 2. Let people follow block lists of other people, so blocks from some popular users act as effective bans.

In reply to @deanpierce
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍@deanpierce

Here's a great lesson from Andrew Ng on this topic:

In reply to @jacks0n
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍@deanpierce

GPT-4 context is like 8k tokens, not enough for much. The cool kids these days dump everything into a vector database, and then use terms from the prompt to max out the context window with relevant snippets of code and text etc, but that approach is still pretty limited.

In reply to @andrewsor
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍@deanpierce

Snap was 2011, Whisper Systems (Signal) was 2010. The rebrand to Signal was 2015, but before then the app was called TextSecure.

In reply to @dwr
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍@deanpierce

Views on @xmtp as a standard messaging protocol across web3? Lens uses it for DMs, and it's getting baked into more and more wallets and other apps across the ecosystem. Would be nice to have DMs you could carry across apps.

In reply to @dwr
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍@deanpierce

Bluesky is doing a lot of great experimentation with custom feeds. People build feeds based on various heuristics and sentiment analysis etc, and there's a whole sort of marketplace of feeds. All free though. Here's an invite code if anyone wants to check it out and has been looking: bsky-social-hvrsi-cadbw

In reply to @peng
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍@deanpierce

I had a fun idea for a YouTube channel called "CODES", like "MTV Cribs", but where smart contract developers are invited on, and give an in depth tour of their code, hosted by someone with experience auditing smart contracts. I'd watch the hell out of something like that. Not quite motivated enough to make it happen.

In reply to @mk
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍@deanpierce

Our form of life gets easier and easier to spawn as carbon density increases in new solar systems. When ours was formed 4.5 billion years ago, carbon had just started really accumulating to that critical point. It's totally feasible that we're just the first ones to wake up in our corner of easily observable space.

In reply to @mk
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍@deanpierce

When I look up at the stars I'm the night sky, they're very pretty, but mostly dead space. I want to live in a galaxy where there are literally millions of Rembrandts, Feynmans, Gauss', etc born every second. Intelligent life in all its forms is beautiful, and I want to see it light up our universe.

In reply to @b-c
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍@deanpierce

Can WGA writers still use generative AI tooling to assist in projects that they work on? Basically every word processor has it built in now, and the tooling is only getting more extensive. The next generation of writers is going to grow up using this tech regularly and it seems unfair to exclude them.

In reply to @ckurdziel
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍@deanpierce

I picked up mine when @vbuterin wrote about his travel kit. It's been awesome.

In reply to @dwr
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍@deanpierce

I get it, friction sucks. You can only subsidize users for so long though. I feel like web3 scales so elegantly because people can truly own their data, and their accumulated micro transactions give their identity tangible value. IMO freeloaders necessitated the predatory value extraction that ruined web2 (ads etc).

In reply to @dwr
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍@deanpierce

No idea how they're doing it, but in general I'd like to see a web3 where users pay for it. The same way that people spend $1.15 in gas when they drive to the supermarket, and don't even think about it. IMO subsidized gas is a huge mistake. Thankfully on-chain interactions keep getting cheaper and more accessible.

In reply to @dwr
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍@deanpierce

Well, the way they do follows now is a lot more sane :-D Really embracing ERC-6551 for social profiles is an interesting idea, and extensible delegation of profile activities. Also handle/profile separation is nice. On-chain social network signals, like blocks etc seems like a good direction to go.

Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍@deanpierce

Looks like Lens v2 is a thing. I'd love to see a take from @dwr and the team about some cool ideas that might make for good open standards as web3 social networking starts really taking off. Compatibility would be nice for network effects.

In reply to @deanpierce
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍@deanpierce

Floor price is a good stand in for knowing that if you had some sort of emergency and needed to sell an NFT right away, the floor price is probably the minimum you could get for it.

In reply to @jayme
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍@deanpierce

I feel like a better metric might be the average sale price using some moving average, like 7 day or 30 day or something. Super easy to game though.

In reply to @maxpetretta
Dean Pierce 👨‍💻🌎🌍@deanpierce

I register domain names and don't enable auto-renew until the site is fully functional so my domain registrar nags me every year about all my unfinished projects.