In reply to @maurerbot

You leave it on all the time, right? And you can warm things gently in the bottom drawers. I have heard people love their agas


What’s a good DAO for builders? I’m building a community embeddings platform and can’t wait to make agents that use smart contracts. Would be fun to hang out with other weirdos

In reply to @aaina

+1 to this. I did whichever where they burn through (slower recovery) vs make an incision. No issues, would do again

In reply to @vgr

doing deep learning for a master's rn, using PyTorch. In some ways it feels like learning to program all over again, in other ways it's just regular programming I think I'll be good in a few years (or less). And then, they say LLaMa when fine-tuned is like GPT-3.5, and it's open source...

In reply to @ccarella

came here to say the same thing! langchain is the way

In reply to @dwr

Eh idk, I hit nearly that speed on a blue a week or so ago - just a few really steep, wide-open sections with few people. It's scary fast but not necessarily reckless