

In reply to @keccers

Thinking of making something to Ethereum Attestation Service and how it levels the playing field for folks not based in countries deemed "trustworthy" in the eyes of payment gateways like Stripe.

In reply to @fractalqualia

Kinda in the same ball park as Remote viewing @farcasteradmin.eth

In reply to @natasha

Yea it's pretty convincing. The hacker even went with the colour scheme and branding. EAS ftw!

In reply to @natasha

Scary. I was ab to check out the link but got distracted by an errand. Close call

In reply to @ted

Sooooo can I DM the 1s?

In reply to @lauraj

Just signed up but would love a pass. Sick website

In reply to @fractalqualia

Another method could be channels of course but then again they would have to NFT gated for write access


What is the strategy for specialized client apps? Meaning let's say I want to create an app where only students of my university can engage with each other using the FC protocol? -Would it have to be filtered by FID with a local database? -Some NFT/POAP, Soulbound? I suppose not every app wants be warpcast.

In reply to @chaskin.eth

I'm 7 minutes in and it's already mind blowing. One problem that it solves that I feel deeply about is when companies turn their faces on an entire country because there is a significant numbers of scammers there which leaves an even bigger number of legit business in ruin. I subbed on YT and wow again this was 👌

In reply to @cameron

Plis spill 🫗 the ☕

In reply to @ted

What benefit is to represent animals as real world values. Why wouldn't you just ask which aspect among the five would people leave. I suppose that won't be as fun which is cool 😎

In reply to @sarva.eth

Adding this to my list of reasons why partition never should have happened 🇮🇳⚡🇵🇰


CasterScan is probably the best FC browsing out there.

In reply to @antimofm.eth

May I ask how are you viewing casts from a certain time period? Would love to try it out for meself.

In reply to @jrf

I've been hearing about a Ticket Master crypto alt disruption for years but haven't ever seen one take off... Also poor countries that have to worry about Dollar reserves would be pretty hesitant towards web3 adoption.

In reply to @lesgreys.eth

Is the branding for Farcaster in public domain? ( i.e permissionless) don't wanna tag dwr cause he probably busy.

In reply to @0xbenersing.eth

Can't go wrong with some HP ⚡ Prisoner of Azkaban was peak imo.

In reply to @0xbenersing.eth

Suggest your storm weather movie! Mine is Willnail and I, an episode of Would I lie to you or any other British Panel show

In reply to @dwr.eth

Wait till crypto phones mainstream