Sam Iglesias@sam

EPCOT stands for Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow, which was the original intention of the project. If a competent technology company built an entire city that was self-contained as a singular structure, would you consider living in it? Why or why not?

In reply to @sam
Peter Rood@pdr

yes, I’m open to novel experiences

In reply to @sam

“Self contained as a single structure” strikes me as not the best approach, but otherwise absolutely

In reply to @sam

Cities were meant to be built by the people who live there. Not by some guy with lots of money, fancy ideas, and a beautiful drawing. I’m more for enabling people to change their local landscape to fit the needs of their community, recruit their people, and live a unique, self generated meaningful life.

In reply to @sam
Jonny Mack@nonlinear

given past attempts at large centrally planned cities (eg. brasilia) i would be skeptical. i would need strong conviction that their competency in technology translated to competency in urban planning and architecture

In reply to @sam

Wouldn’t want to feel claustrophobic but would definitely consider. The Barbican comes close?

In reply to @sam

yeah my friend loves this idea and says how fast transport would be 🥲

In reply to @sam
Peter Rood@pdr

also, if a competent technology company is the fruit company, could you ask them to add me to the waitlist ;-)

In reply to @sam

i'd be interested in trying it out, unless they are called umbrella corp and name it raccoon city

In reply to @sam

no, life is not self-contained

In reply to @sam
É. Urcades@ed

I don’t think I could trust a singular company/pov to provide the texture necessary for a beautiful city to emerge

In reply to @sam
Brent Fitzgerald@bf

No, I prefer messy dynamic imperfect weirdness. Bazaar > cathedral.

In reply to @sam

I think about this often. Usually I get spun around the axle on how to pay for everything. I feel like a revenue stream (could be extra taxes?) needs to be embedded in the community otherwise it will just lose money forever. Building a diverse community would be even more complicated. Feels inevitable tho.

In reply to @sam

one of my obsessions. definitely would but also think the vision needs a retrofit for a decentralized self-reliant world. if there's central structures they can probably be a lot smaller than you'd think were needed

In reply to @sam

Why or why not is my question too. Unless I work in logistics, why would I care if it's self-contained?

In reply to @sam

- set up non profit foundation - raise money from pro progress folks - foundation buys land, large enough to elect council members to ensure relative independence from the state - companies, daos, individuals are invited to set up experiments

In reply to @sam
Daniel Grigsby@dmg

It was a co-optation of Buckminster Fuller that went sideways into corporate kitsch, and as such is a perfect cautionary tale about central planning and the inherent conflict between profit motive and places people actually want to live.