tim 🥝@timdaub

devs be like: „look at this impressive piece of software I have created“ I look at the code: „ok but where are the tests? this is useless“

In reply to @timdaub
Lajos Deme@lajos

Agreed, esp with security critical stuff like smart contracts. Code without tests is just a naive wish

In reply to @timdaub
Rob McMackin @robm

depends what you mean by "useless". plenty of software has reached pmf/revenue without proper tests

In reply to @timdaub

ok but who are the users? lol

In reply to @timdaub
Colin Armstrong@colin

I think it depends - in previous projects, I spent more time than I should of writing tests before I got users/pmf. The product worked and was tested, sure, but ultimately it was a huge waste of time since I wasn’t building the right things. Later stages or critical software, agreed though

In reply to @timdaub

Currently experiencing so. much. tech. debt. pain. from former goofball colleagues throwing shit together that is completely unmaintainable due to being built terribly, barely any tests, and next to no documentation. Currently two years into fixing it…the people who cut corners long gone now.